Hot Lap Experience on the passenger side - Make a present!
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Hot Lap Experience


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+ - Description


Get in the car on the passenger side and trust Dazeroa300 professional drivers. You will be amazed by the power of these sports cars and you will experience the thrill of a unique experience on a real racetrack.

An activity to try, suitable for all speed lovers, those people who are curious to know the secrets behind the wheel and who want to discover the sensations of being next to a professional driver, or even for those who simply do not feel like driving on their own and prefer to be driven in a whirlwind of emotions.

***Attenzione: per regolamento di circuito l’esperienza non è purtroppo effettuabile da persone minorenni, anche previa autorizzazione dei genitori o di chi ne fa le veci.***

    For more informations, contact us by phone +39 3339303935 or +39 3476001584 or fill the form.

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    + - Additional information

    Additional information


    2 Laps on BMW M3, 2 Laps on Mitjet 2.0


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